We want to connect with you and help you connect with other runners in Ogden, the trails, the "runner's high", resources to help your training. We understand everyone has their own trail to follow. Everyone's running/walking needs are different. Our staff is experienced in all these things to answer your question and help you achieve whatever is around the next corner. From running shoes, gear or hydration, our running store will have you up and out the door!
Runners/Walkers are a tribe. We want to support our tribe/community. From schools, clubs, gyms, workplaces. . . everyone is a part of our community. We support and applaud that.
Doesn't matter if you're tall, short, fast, slow, white, black, blue, male, female or only run on certain days of the week... YOU ARE A RUNNER and are included. Everyone!
We are planning for our future. That means teaching the younger generation that running is fun. It's not "other sport's punishment" it's a lifelong lifestyle that can be done anywhere at anytime. Teaching the youth is one of of our priorities.
Every Monday (winter time is 6pm from daylight savings to daylight savings). Summer is 6:30pm , we'll head out for a run. 3-5 miles usually but all paces welcome!
Trail runs on Wednesday nights. Join our Strava group for all the details.
1895 Washington Boulevard, Ogden, Utah 84401, United States
Phone: 385-289-2900 info@ogdenrunco.com
Today | Closed |
Monday - Saturday 10:30am - 6pm
Sunday: Closed
Copyright © 2025 Ogden Running Company - All Rights Reserved.
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Join our Strava club page for group runs, demos and run times with the community